What is Pashmina? Know about Pashmina Products

Pashmina is one of the finest quality wool available on Earth, and it is the most refined version of cashmere.  The fleece of Changthangi Goat is known as Pashm which is an Urdu word & has origins in Farsi. Pashmina has fascinated kings, royals, and people all over the world by its magical allure and a traditional grace.

What is Pashmina?

Pashmina is viewed as the best craftsmanship on the planet which changes the uncommonly warm and sensitive Cashmere strings to rich frill. The diameter of the Pashmina strands is between 12 and 15 microns, while cashmere fleece likewise incorporates a diameter between 16 and 19 microns. The way that Pashmina fleece is gotten during a particular time of the year from Pashmina goats (Chagra), who just produce between 80-170 grams consistently, this fleece is hard to find​.

One can discover these goats just in high elevations of Nepal, India and Tibet. ​To withstand the freezing environment of the Himalayan winter​, ​which can drop to as low as – 25°C, the goats produce fine, yet solid undercoats between the throat and tummy. The fleece is just reaped throughout the mid year by brushing the Pashmina goat to assemble the more extended and gentler hair, the best found on the lower part of the neck and the tummy. These filaments are washed and arranged and afterward at last directed to Srinagar in the Kashmir valley, the lone area on the planet to dominate the fragile craft of weaving Pashmina.

History of Pashmina

In the mid-1990s a craze for pashminas resulted in high demand for pashminas, hence these demand exceeded supply.from Himachal Pradesh in northern India, and not forgetting the Chyangara or Nepalese Pashmina goat from the distinct breeds is actually from where this wool comes from. However, the founder of the pashmina industry is traditionally held to be the 15th century ruler of Kashmir, Zayn-ul-Abidin, who introduced weavers from Central Asia. Being woven in Kashmir and Nepal these shawls are actually hand spun from the Cashmere fibre. These woven shawls in what is now India have been worn as the Indus Valley Civilisation.and  been worn by the royalty and the elites in the region for centuries and also being the addition to the wealthy and rich women’s dowry in India and Nepal being a status symbol in the east.

Why to Use Pashmina Products?

Pashmina is the finest quality wool collected from Himalayan goats. So, it’s functional important is unique and very important. Some of them are listed as:

  • Very Warm fiber
  • Soft and lofty fibres with a natural crimp
  • Fabrics and knits are lightweight, thin and breathable
  • Adjusts to humidity in the air for adaptability in all cold climates
  • Luxurious fabric with an elegant drape

How to care for your Pashmina?

A few easy techniques can help you to care in the right way and preserve it for years to come.

  • Steam Ironing Recommended after every two wear to avoid pilling
  • Professional Dry Clean or you can even wash it with hands in cold water with proper technique
  • Store it in a moist free or ventilated area. Your wardrobe is the best place

Famous Pashmina Shawls

Pashmina Shawls also have the Persian name “pašmina”, “made from wool” and literally translates to ” Soft Gold ” in Kashmir. Kashmir is a beautiful place Himalayan range in North India known for its beauty and wonderful snow mountains. Pashmina Shawl came to be known as ‘Cashmere’ in the west after this fibre was encountered by the Europeans in Kashmir. The facts of the Cashmere goat; namely the Changthangi or Kashmir Pashmina goat from the Changthang Plateau and also in the Kashmir region, the Malra from Kargil area in Kashmir region, the Chegu.

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